This is a research article titled “Combined ultrasound and electric field stimulation aids the healing of chronic pressure ulcers.” written by Dr. Jonathan Rosenblum. Who is from the Shaarei Zedek Medical Center In Israel, along with the medical director at Sunharbor Manor, New York, USA. Michael Papamichael. The Purpose of this study was to evaluate the utilization of combined non-focused ultrasound and electric field stimulation to treat recalcitrant pressure ulcers. In this study 53 patients having as many as 61 wounds were recruited from five different skilled nursing facilities. Of these, 47 were evaluable for the study. Of the 14 wounds that were not evaluable, 6 hasn't received enough treatments by the end of the study period and 8 did not have good enough photographic evidence to be evaluated. The patients' ages ranged from 62-89. All of the wounds treated were grade 3 or worse. And after 20 weeks of treatment once a week there were 100% all around the bored 50% wound closure or more on 4 different types of ulcers on the body. In conclusion the use of our machine on ulcerated bed wounds is an amazing adjunct therapy for fast, effective and natural healing.
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