How To Add/Update A Study

Key links


These are the studies that are displayed on the Website.

Step 01 - Study Fields

  1. Study Name*
  2. Display Study on Website?*
  3. Title Tag*
  4. Meta Description*
  5. Study Reference Number*
  6. Study Summary*
  7. Study Takeaway*
  8. Study PDF
  9. Study Link
  10. Study Image*
  11. Open Graph Image*
  12. Study Publish Date
  13. Study Performed By

Required field = *

Step 02 - Study Field Definitions

Title Tag* - The title tag is an HTML code tag that allows you to give a web page a title. This title can be found in the browser title bar, as well as in the search engine results pages (SERP). It's crucial to add and optimise your website's title tags, as they play an essential role in terms of organic ranking (SEO). Ideal count is bewteen 50 to 60 characters.

Meta Description* - A meta description is an HTML element that provides a brief summary of a web page. A page's meta description tag is displayed as part of the search snippet in a search engine results page (SERP) and is meant to give the user an idea of the content that exists within the page and how it relates to their search query. (ideally between 50 and 160 characters long).

Study Reference Number* - This is the Study number as outlined in the CS Study Outline.

Study Summary* - This is a brief summary of what this study is about.

Study Takeaway* - This is the CellSound Takeaway as presented in the CS Study Outline

Study PDF - If you have a PDF of the study, upload it here.

Study Link - If there is no PDF, but the study is on another web page, place that link here.

Study Image* - 1080 x 1080 px (jpeg, png, svg) - Used for display on the main Clinical Studies page. You can download the template for the Study Image here.

Open Graph Image* - 1200 x 630 px (jpg., jpeg) - Open Graph (OG) image is the thumbnail displayed on social networks (such as Facebook & LinkedIn) to preview your webpage whenever someone shares your link. 

Study Publish Date - This is the date the study was published.

Study Performed By - This is who you want to give credit to the study to.

Step 03 - Fill Out The Form

Once you have all of the information for the above fields, fill out this FORM with the information and the Study will automatically be uploaded and published.

developer instructions


  1. Airtable Form is filled out
  2. Whalesync adds the Asset to Webflow
  3. Zap
  4. Trigger - New/Updated Study in CellSound Airtable
  5. Look-up CellSound email distribution list
  6. Send Email to CellSound Staff

Tech Stack

  1. Airtable
  2. Whalesync
  3. Webflow
  4. Gmail

Email HTML

A Study has been added/updated.</b>


<h2 style="color:blue;">Study Information</h2>

 <b>Reference # </b></b>


 <b>Study Summary: </b><br>

<b>Study Link: </b><br>

<b>Study Publish Date: </b><br>

<b>Study Performed By: </b><br>


<b>Takeaway: </b><br>




<b>Google Drive: </b><br>


<i style="color:blue;">* This message was sent to you through Ideation Marketing's backstage Hub automation system.</i><br>
