developer guides

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Guide Type
Developer Guide

This is the A-Z roadmap for implementing a new Clinic for Cellsound.

Developer Guide

This guide walks you through the information that is needed and the process steps to add a Guide to backstaget Hub.

Developer Guide

This maps out how Airtable is automaticall synced with Webflow using Whalesync

Developer Guide

This guide walks you through all of the automations used on the CellSound bacakstage Eco-System.

Developer Guide

This page controls the design style being applied to the CellSound website and backstage Hub. CAUTION - Changes made here will immediately effect the live view of the website.

Developer Guide

This guide walks you through how the backstage Hub User element for CellSound is built.

Developer Guide

This guide walks you through the Developer level features of backstage Hub.

Developer Guide

This guide walks you through the information that is needed and the process steps to add a new Clinic to the CellSound website and backstage Hub.