How to Add/Update Press

Key links


This guide walks you through the process of adding Press to the Website.

Step 01 - Google Drive

If you are writing the Press Article, start by creating a sub-folder in the Press Google Drive for the new Press Article  you are going to write. Use the following naming convention for the folder:

YY-MM-DD - Press Name (example - 23-11-01 - CellSound Now Available in San Francisco)

Step 02 - The Press Article

If you are writing the Press Article, we have prepared a template you can use that has all of the fields that you need to make sure are completed before the Press Article is submitted. You can access the template by clicking here. MAKE SURE YOU MAKE A COPY OF THIS TEMPLATE BEFORE YOU START WRITING! Move the copy you created into the Press folder you created in Step 01.

If you are simply posting a Press Article from another source, copy the article and necessary fields into the document you created.

You also need to create the graphics for the Press Article. You can download the graphics template here.

Step 03 - Grammar and Plagiarism Check

After you have written the Press Article, run it through a program like Grammerly to check spelling, punctuation, and grammar for the Press Article. Grammarly also has a plagiarism check feature. Run it through that, download the report and upload it to the Google Drive folder you created in Step 01.

If you are posting an article from another source, you do not need to run it through a grammar, spelling, punctuation and plagiarism check.

Step 04 - Press Approval

After you have written the Press Article , submit it to the CellSound Executive team for approval.

Step 05 - Press Fields

  1. Press Title*
  2. Press Type*
  3. Clinic
  4. Press Category*
  5. Display on Website*
  6. Hero Image*
  7. Open Graph Image*
  8. Image Alt Text*
  9. Press Body*
  10. Press Summary*
  11. Featured
  12. Author
  13. Publication*
  14. Publication Type
  15. Publication Link
  16. Publish Date*

Required field = *

Step 06 - Post

After the Press Article  has been approved, use this FORM to post the Press Article to the website. The Press Article will automatically be uploaded and published.

developer instructions


  1. Airtable Form is filled out
  2. Whalesync adds the Asset to Webflow
  3. Zap
  4. Trigger - New/Updated Press in CellSound Airtable - [cell-web] Press
  5. Look Up CellSound Email Distribution List
  6. Delay for 5 minutes
  7. Sends Blog Notification Email

Tech Stack

  1. Airtable
  2. Whalesync
  3. Webflow
  4. Gmail

Email HTML

A Press Article has been added/updated. 


<b>View Press: </b>https://www.cellsoundaesthetics.com/press<br>

 <h2 style="color:blue;">Press Article Information</h2> <b>Name: </b><br> 


<b>Press Repost: </b><br>

<b>Display on Website: </b><br> <br> <b>Press Type: </b><br> <b>Press Category: </b><br> <br>

<b>Author: </b><br>

<b>Publication Type: </b><br> <b>Publication: </b><br>

<b>Publication Link: </b><br>

<b>Publication Date: </b><br>


 <b>Press Summary: </b><br>




 <b>Google Drive: </b><br>

<b>Google Doc: </b><br>


<i style="color:blue;">* This message was sent to you through Ideation Marketing's backstage Hub automation system.</i><br>

Attach All Files

