How To Add/Update An Asset/Document

Key links


Assets can be PDF's, Graphic Templates, Google Docs, Powerpoints, and Videos. For videos, use the "Asset Link" field to link it to the video in the Google Drive and the "Video Link" field (YouTube videos only) if you want the Video to display on the page

Step 01 - Asset Fields

Gather all the information you need to fill out the fields below in the Asset Form.

  1. Asset Name*
  2. Asset Version
  3. Asset Version Date
  4. Asset Category*
  5. Asset Sub-Category
  6. Type
  7. Area
  8. Asset Summary*
  9. Asset Description
  10. Document
  11. Asset Link
  12. Video Link
  13. Display to Clients*
  14. University Module
  15. University Lesson

Required field = *

Step 02 - Fill Out The Form

Once you have all of the information for the above fields, fill out this FORM with the information and the asset will automatically be uploaded and published.

developer instructions


  1. Airtable Form is filled out
  2. Whalesync adds the Asset to Webflow

Tech Stack

  1. Airtable
  2. Whalesync
  3. Webflow
